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6th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium - 8-10 October 2008

02 September 2008

6th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium - 8-10 October 2008

The 6th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium will take place on 8-10 October 2008 in the very nice Maritim Airport Hotel in Hanover, Germany. The symposium will be organised in co-operation with WKI-Fraunhofer Institut für Holzforschung and with the support of FEIC and Feropa.
The symposium will consist of 4 sessions on the following themes:
EU policies and global challenges, wood availability and new safety engineering technologies;
Advanced production techniques and new service life prediction science;
Innovative surface finishing and resin technologies and non-destructive testing techniques;
Environmental challenges and opportunities.

The symposium is directed towards technical managers, researchers, environment executives etc. in the wood-based panels industry and related companies and institutes. It offers an excellent opportunity to update your knowledge and to discuss with other technicians and experts to exchange experience, arguments and views.