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DSM Bright Science. Brighter Living.
Industries, products, managers

27 February 2015

DSM Bright Science. Brighter Living.

Royal DSM is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials. By connecting its unique competences in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences DSM is driving economic prosperity, environmental progress and social advances to create sustainable value for all stakeholders simultaneously. DSM delivers innovative solutions that nourish, protect and improve performance in global markets such as food and dietary supplements, personal care, feed, medical devices, automotive, paints, electrical and electronics, life protection, alternative energy and bio-based materials.
DSM’s 24,500 employees deliver annual net sales of around €10 billion. The company is listed on NYSE Euronext.

More information contact Mrs Elvira Luykx:

DSM Resins & Functional Materials
Het Overloon 1
NL-6411 TE Heerlen / The Netherlands
Tel +31 6 515 485 20